Splash Sound – Epic Percussion 2 Torrent v1.2 [Kontakt Library]

Splash Sound – Epic Percussion 2 Torrent is the ultimate tool for composers and producers looking to elevate their musical creations with high-quality cinematic percussion. With a diverse range of instruments and an intuitive interface, it offers unlimited possibilities to enrich any musical project.


3.36 GB


Splash Sound




Kontakt 5.6.8+

Mais informações do Splash Sound - Epic Percussion 2 Torrent

Splash Sound – Epic Percussion 2 Torrent: Quality in Cinematic Percussion

The music industry is a sphere where innovation is constant and vital. At the heart of this innovation lies Splash Sound – Epic Percussion 2, a percussion library that redefines the boundaries of what is possible in terms of sound and musical expression. With a collection of 14 cinematic percussion instruments, Epic Percussion 2 offers composers and producers a range of sounds from subtle and delicate to powerful and overwhelming. This library is not just a set of samples; it is a tool that allows artists to bring a new dimension of depth and emotion to their compositions.

Sound Quality and Versatility of Epic Percussion 2 Torrent

The sound quality of Epic Percussion 2 is unparalleled. Each instrument has been meticulously recorded and processed to capture the essence of cinematic percussion. The library offers a variety of timbres that can be shaped and adapted to fit seamlessly into any mix. With four microphone positions available, users have full control over the sonic space, able to choose between an intimate recording or a stadium-filling sound. The versatility of Epic Percussion 2 is its greatest strength, allowing it to be used in a wide range of musical genres, from epic soundtracks to contemporary pop productions.

Epic Percussion 2 Torrent: Intuitive Interface and Advanced Features

The user interface of Epic Percussion 2 is a design triumph, offering ease of use without sacrificing depth of control. Producers can delve into the fine details of the sounds with a range of adjustable parameters, including EQ, compression, and reverb. Additionally, the library comes with rhythmic phrases and MIDI loops that are synced to the project tempo, making it easy to create complex and inspiring patterns. The “Epicness” button is an innovative addition that allows users to add an extra layer of intensity and width to the sound, ideal for moments that demand a dramatic impact.

Impact on the Market and the Musical Community

The release of Epic Percussion 2 made a significant impact on the music production market. Composers and producers from around the world quickly adopted the library, praising its ability to bring new life to their compositions. Splash Sound’s decision to offer the library for free for a limited period was a shrewd marketing move that not only increased the product’s visibility but also solidified the company’s reputation as an ally of musicians and composers. Epic Percussion 2 is not just a tool; it is a testament to Splash Sound’s commitment to quality and innovation in the field of music production.


5.4 GB


DMA Design







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